Thank you to Dr. Brown and the students of the University of Michigan School of Public Health
We're two weeks into the 2018 Summer Youth Employment Program and things are in full swing! During the beginning of the program, the workers participated in a community resource fair/Flint water drive at the Bel-Air Movie Theater located on the Eastside of Detroit. The fair had many different community organizations providing information to Detroit citizens about the useful resources in the community. It was an amazing experience for the workers and now they know that there are many tools in the city of Detroit that are always available to them. Our employees also visited the Charles H. Wright museum, which was a perfect opportunity for the group to bond with each other and learn at the same time. Next we went to the Detroit Institute of Arts where we were blessed to be the first public patrons to experience the Museum using the new Lumen Augmented Reality system. During the second week, the workers began to read “I Have a Story to Tell”, the book that tells the life story of Marsialle Arbuckle Sr. The youth read the book together as a group along with Mr. Arbuckle and it gives the young ladies the opportunity to develop new skills such as, teamwork, cooperation, communicating and more. As seen in the picture above, we were able to attend the Black Women's Wellness Project, which is a mobile health clinic hosted at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church by the University of Michigan School of Public Health. They also started their teen parenting class in which the ladies will receive a “baby” that they will have to care for throughout the course, and if completed correctly, they will receive a $100 stipend. This class is to provide guidance for those who are teen parents or one day hope to be parents. The Center for Urban Youth & Family Development provides not only job opportunities for these young ladies but guidance and social stability as well.