The Empowerment Zone Coalition (EZC) and The Coalition for Urban Youth and Family Development invites you to the "Collective Call to Action" 2018 Substance Abuse Summit. This year's primary focus is to explore drugs and drug-related issues that impact youth. We will discuss and formulate solutions that may be used across all sectors of the community. The Summit will challenge those in attendance to embrace a multiple-strategy approach and utilize information to become actively involved in changing social norms to create drug-free, healthy and safe communities. The Summit also will include dynamite keynote speaker, guest speakers, breakout workshops, continental breakfast, lunch, pending continuing education units (CEUs). A special contribution from The Center for Urban Youth and Family Development will include a presentation by our program director Marseille Arbuckle, Jr. discussing Suicide and Substance Abuse.

Join us for this exciting event! Together, we can make a difference.

The Summit is partially funded by the Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority and Drug Free Communities Support Grant, SAMHSA/CSAP




The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.2 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet.

The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths.The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day addresses a crucial public safety and public health issue. According to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 6.2 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs. The study shows that a majority of abused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet.

The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths.


CUYFD Awarded with 2018 DFC Grant!

The Center for Urban Youth and Family Development is pleased to announce that the Coalition for Urban Youth and Family Development has received a 5-year, $125,000 grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy. The DFC Program provides grants to community coalitions to strengthen the infrastructure among local partners to create and sustain a reduction in local youth substance use. These funds will support CUYFD’s efforts to mobilize our community to prevent youth substance abuse.

The Coalition for Urban Youth and Family Development is a Drug Free community coalition working together for the greater good of Detroit’s Westside. Our mission is to improve outcomes for west side Detroit youth and their families by establishing and strengthening community collaboratives that promote positive youth development and community revitalization through the prevention of youth substance abuse and other problem behaviors.

For more information about The Coalition for Urban Youth and Family Development check out the website and make sure to follow us on instagram and twitter and like the facebook page!

Summer Youth Employment Program Update

Thank you to Dr. Brown and the students of the University of Michigan School of Public Health 

Thank you to Dr. Brown and the students of the University of Michigan School of Public Health 

We're two weeks into the 2018 Summer Youth Employment Program and things are in full swing! During the beginning of the program, the workers participated in a community resource fair/Flint water drive at the Bel-Air Movie Theater located on the Eastside of Detroit. The fair had many different community organizations providing information to Detroit citizens about the useful resources in the community. It was an amazing experience for the workers and now they know that there are many tools in the city of Detroit that are always available to them. Our employees also visited the Charles H. Wright museum, which was a perfect opportunity for the group to bond with each other and learn at the same time.  Next we went to the Detroit Institute of Arts where we were blessed to be the first public patrons to experience the Museum using the new Lumen Augmented Reality system. During the second week, the workers began to read “I Have a Story to Tell”, the book that tells the life story of Marsialle Arbuckle Sr. The youth read the book together as a group along with Mr. Arbuckle and it gives the young ladies the opportunity to develop new skills such as, teamwork, cooperation, communicating and more. As seen in the picture above, we were able to attend the Black Women's Wellness Project, which is a mobile health clinic hosted at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church by the University of Michigan School of Public Health. They also started their teen parenting class in which the ladies will receive a “baby” that they will have to care for throughout the course, and if completed correctly, they will receive a $100 stipend. This class is to provide guidance for those who are teen parents or one day hope to be parents. The Center for Urban Youth & Family Development provides not only job opportunities for these young ladies but guidance and social stability as well.

FCC Updated Calendar of Gatherings Across the State:

Sunday, May 20, 2018. Northern Michigan FCC, Golf Outing at Graying Country Club.. For information contact Lori Hunt 989-370-6831, Marc Morrell 989-395-2144, or Donna Mooney 989-798-4762.

Thursday, May 24, 2018, 6:30 pm Washtenaw County FCC meets at 2/42 Church 648 S Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103.  We are pleased to welcome  PARC staff person as our speaker for the evening.  For more information feel free to visit their website parc-judson.org.  In addition, our members from Knox Church would like to discuss having a summer respire day.  Contact:  The Rev. Heidi Church, hgeibster@gmail.com or Katie Page Sander, kpagesander@hatw.org

Tuesday, June 5, 5:00-7:00 pm, Heart of Detroit FCC  held in conjunction with Fellowship Chapel's Adoption and Foster Care Outreach at Fellowship Chapel, 7707 West Outer Drive, Detroit, Mi, 48219. All Wayne County child welfare organizations are invited to display their materials and share information.  Berlinda Good, coordinator,  bgood20@aol.com.  Theme: National Children's Day. Panel members: Dr. Constance Simon... Voice of African American Children; Rehab Ameer....Voice of Muslim Children; Attorney Joe Stewart...Voice of Jewish Children; Sonia Rose Alvarado....Voice of Spanish Children; Rev. Dr. Kate Thoresen...Voice of Interfaith Children.

Tuesday, July 17 6:30 pm, Macomb County FCC Region, Renewal Church 11174 E. Thirteen Mile Rd., Warren, 48088. Meets the third Tuesday every other month. Contacts: Pastor Wayne Stapleton,  wstapleton@renewalwarren.com. Susan Foster, lily503@yahoo.com

Tuesday, September 11, (not meeting on first Tuesday due to Labor Day holiday) 5:00-7:00 pm, Heart of Detroit FCC held in conjunction with Fellowship Chapel's Adoption and Foster Care Outreach at Fellowship Chapel, 7707 West Outer Drive, Detroit, Mi, 48219.  Berlinda Good, coordinator, bgood20@aol.com. All Wayne County child welfare organizations are invited to display their materials and share information. Theme: 3rd Circuit Court Resources including CASA, Clinical/Mental Health, etc.  The Honorable Judge Joseph

Tuesday, Sept 18, 6:30 pm, Macomb County FCC Region, Renewal Church 11174 E. Thirteen Mile Rd., Warren, 48088. Meets the third Tuesday every other month. Contacts: Susan Foster, lily503@yahoo.comor Pastor Wayne Stapleton, wstapleton@renewalwarren.com.

Tuesday, October 2, 5:00-7:00 pm, Heart of Detroit FCC held in conjunction with Fellowship Chapel's Adoption and Foster Care Outreach at Fellowship Chapel, 7707 West Outer Drive, Detroit, Mi, 48219.  Berlinda Good, coordinator, bgood20@aol.com. All Wayne County child welfare organizations are invited to display their materials and share information. Theme: Human Sex Trafficking. Speakers: The Honorable Judge Braxton and Joyce Haskett of Pathway puts a human face on this issue as a survivor of Human sex trafficking...served 17 years in prison for murder.

Thursday, October 25, 6:30 p.m. Livingston FCC Region (new!)Brighton AG Church,  7770 Whitmore Lake Rd, Brighton, MI 48116, Contact: Rhonda Trask at 810.986.0178Rhonda@brightonag.org.  Join the dynamic congregations and organizations in and around Livingston County who are making many positive differences in the lives of children, youth and families in the foster care system. Congregations and organizationsare urged to bring materials and resources to share.

Tuesday, November 13 (Not meeting on Nov.6 due to elections), 5:00-7:00 pm, Heart of Detroit FCC held in conjunction with Fellowship Chapel's Adoption and Foster Care Outreach at Fellowship Chapel, 7707 West Outer Drive, Detroit, Mi, 48219.  Berlinda Good, coordinator, bgood20@aol.com. All Wayne County child welfare organizations are invited to display their materials and share information. Theme: National Adoption Awareness Month. Speaker: the Honorable Judge David Perkins

Tuesday, November 20, 6:30 pm, Macomb County FCC Region, Renewal Church 11174 E. Thirteen Mile Rd., Warren, 48088. Meets the third Tuesday every other month. Contacts: Pastor Wayne Stapleton,  wstapleton@renewalwarren.com. Susan Foster, lily503@yahoo.com

Tuesday, December 4, 5:00-7:00 pm, Heart of Detroit FCC held in conjunction with Fellowship Chapel's Adoption and Foster Care Outreach at Fellowship Chapel, 7707 West Outer Drive, Detroit, Mi, 48219.  Berlinda Good, coordinator, bgood20@aol.com.  All Wayne County child welfare organizations are invited to display their materials and share information.

Theme: Toiletries for Teen Boys in Residences

Suicide Prevention Workshops

We're in the second week of our 6 week suicide prevention workshop series at Voyageur Academy. Our Program Director Marseille Arbuckle, Jr. is using the Lifelines Suicide Prevention curriculum to increase awareness about warning signs of suicides, the importance of mental health, and ways to address with a suicidal friend.  The students are enjoying the opportunity and we have a surprise for them at the end of our six weeks! 

May is National Foster Care Month


MAY IS NATIONAL FOSTER CARE MONTH!  Here are some opportunities to share the positive energies of our regional Faith Communities Coalition on Foster Care people who are collaborating together to make those villages to raise all of our cherished children:

Tuesday, May 1, 5:00-7:00 pm.

Heart of Detroit FCC held in conjunction with Fellowship Chapel's Adoption and Foster Care Outreach at Fellowship Chapel, 7707 West Outer Drive, Detroit, Mi, 48219.  Berlinda Good, coordinator, bgood20@aol.com

Theme: National Foster Care Month. Presentations by Judge Frank Syzmanski, Juvenile Court and Kim Jones DHHS JET (Judicial Engagement Team)  Parenting Program

"I think this forum can be a vital and critical link to help return children home... for foster families in Wayne County", said the event's host, Attorney Berlinda Good.  "In addition to the seasoned and knowledgeable panel we will have resource tables manned by various Adoption Agencies and the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange, MARE", Good added. She also pointed out that the event will explain how we need the Churches and volunteers from the community to supervise family visits set up at Greater Grace thru 3rdJudicial Circuit Court.  All Wayne County child welfare agencies are invited to come and display materials and hand-outs.

Monday, May 14, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Western Wayne/Oakland County FCC First Presbyterian Church, 701 Church St, Plymouth, MI 48170 Contact: Peggy Fisher-Kmieciak, pfk75@hotmail.com; Sheila Henderson, rjsah@sbcglobal.net. Airika Buford and students from Wayne State University's successful program, Transitioning into Independence, (T.I.P.)  for students who have experienced foster care will share experiences and ways we can help support them.

Tuesday, May 15, 6:30 pm.

Macomb County FCC Region, Renewal Church 11174 E. Thirteen Mile Rd., Warren, 48088. Meets the third Tuesday every other month. Contacts: Pastor Wayne Stapleton,  wstapleton@renewalwarren.com. Susan Foster, lily503@yahoo.com  Speaker:  Wayne County Juvenile Deputy Court Administrator Richard Smart

May TBD 2018.

Northern Michigan FCC, First Presbyterian Church of Gaylord, 513 Charles Brink Road, Gaylord, 49735.  Golf Outing at Graying Country Club. Date to be announced. For information contact Lori Hunt 989-370-6831, Marc Morrell 989-395-2144, or Donna Mooney 989-798-4762.

Also, here are some concrete ways that YOU can help promote MAY AS NATIONAL FOSTER CARE MONTH:

Did you know that there are 13,000 children in Michigan currently in foster care?  Many have found safe places to stay.  Yet there are some 4000 children and youth who have urgent needs.  They need stable, loving care and relationships with a nurturing adult.  No matter how much time you have to give, you have the power to do something positive that will change a lifetime for a young person in foster care or who is aging out of the system.

As Mother Teresa has claimed, "Very few people can do great things, but each of us can do something with great love." During the month of May we anticipate the great good that will come from members and friends finding that one something to share with great love.  Together, with other congregations, this will make a significant impact to alleviate the suffering of our most invisible, voiceless and vulnerable children.  If every congregation would take responsibility for just one child, our foster care crisis can be solved.

Here are some ideas to help promote May as Foster Care Month in your local congregations. And organizations.  See the Faith Communities on Foster Care Coalition articles on  www.faithcommunitiescoalition.org  for a list of Care Kits, donation drive items, and additional ideas.

Week One of May: Launching May as Foster Care Month:  Who are the foster kids in Michigan?  How many?    Put a face on foster care: Invite a foster youth or foster care worker to share a moment for mission.  Include current statistics or stories.

Congregational challenge:  Chose a child waiting for a forever family off of the MARE web site to pray for during the month of May (www.mare.org):    Check to see who foster or adoptive parents in your own congregation are.  Start your own foster/adoptive parents conversation group.

Week Two of May:  What act of concrete care can I do to make the life of a foster youth better? 

Congregational challenge:  Fill Care kits for foster kids.  See suggested templates.  Attach list to bags distributed after the service-or have a sign-up sheet for specific articles.

Week Three of May:  What's involved with being a foster parent/grandparent/tutor/mentor??

Hold an informational gathering on ways of personal involvement from volunteering to supervise foster kids while parents meet, tutoring, foster/adoptive parenting, mentoring, becoming respite foster parents/grandparents.  Contact your local service agency to arrange for a speakers and meeting time.

Week Four of May:    Dedication and blessing of care kits and those who receive them. Wrap up month of praying for one child by including their names during prayers of the people.  Display the collected items and offer a prayer of blessing for the donations and those who will receive them.

MPA Advocacy Day

Today, CUYFD in conjunction with NCADD and Spectrum Human Services travel to our states capitol to advocate on behalf of prevention efforts in Metro Detroit. Our program director Marseille Arbuckle, Jr. had the chance to meet with Rep. Morris Hood and Rep. Coleman A. Young III for some productive disccusions on various prevention related subjects including the current marijuana legalization initiatives and their impacts on our community. 

Grant Announcement: Suicide Prevention Year 2

CUYFD is happy to announce that we have been awarded the Suicide Prevention Grant from the DWMHA for a second year in a row! This year we will be conducting Lifelines Suicide Prevention workshops in Voyager College Prep High School, throughout the summer during our Summer Steps Beyond Program and offering free QPR trainings as well. We would again like to thank the DWMHA for helping us provide this much needed service to the community.